Established in 1995 as a non-profit, Families with Children from China New England (FCCNE) is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to connecting adoptees of all ages from China and their families with each other and our communities.

We share information, experiences, resources, concerns, and insights related to adoption, China, and Chinese American culture, and build connections with the larger Asian American and adoption communities. All of our activities are handled entirely by volunteers.

FCCNE stands in solidarity with all Asian adoptees, Asian Americans, our families, and our communities to #StopAsianHate and support each other. See Anti-Racism Resources here.

Note about FCC groups: Starting in the 1990s more than a hundred Families with Children from China groups formed across the world to connect and support families of children adopted from China. Some were established as non-profits, others were more informal. All are independently run and are not formally affiliated with each other, though some have collaborated with each other. FCCNE is one of the earliest and largest of these groups, and is one of a small number that are still active.

The Chinese character for love.
This masterful calligraphy was donated by Professor Sheng Zhongwei of Beijing,